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Clearness levels are categorized into six primary categories by the G.I.A. (Gemological Institute of America). Flawless (FL) is the highest rating, followed by Internally Flawless (IF) (IF).
Two further grade ranges are VVS (Very, Very Slightly Included) and VS (Very Slightly Included). (You should keep in mind that VVS is better than VS in terms of quality.)
SI and Included are the two lowest grades on the scale (I).
Diamonds with a VVS clarity grade contain extremely little flaws that are difficult to detect even under magnification using a microscope. Sub-grades of the VVS grading range are VVS1 and 2; VVS1 is the higher grade.
Under 10x magnification, inclusions in VS-clarity diamonds are difficult to detect. Some of these flaws may be more obvious, but even so, they are tiny. Similar to VVS clarity, the VS grade is broken down into VS1 and VS2 categories.
Diamonds with VVS clarity have fewer, smaller inclusions that are harder to see than those with VS clarity. Even under a microscope, it is often difficult to discern any inclusions in these stones.
The inclusions in VS diamonds, on the other hand, will be less difficult to see up close. One or two faults will be large enough to be seen with a jeweler's loupe, but the majority of them will remain minuscule. We are still dealing with inclusions which cannot be seen by the naked eye.
VS diamonds have more inclusions than VVS diamonds, which is another difference between the two grades. While the VS/VVS diamond "numbers rule" usually holds real, it is conceivable for both the VS and VVS diamond to have the same number of faults. VS diamonds feature inclusions that are larger and more noticeable. VVS diamonds, on the other hand, often have less flaws than VS diamonds.
Peripheral infiltrations are common in both the Visual System and Visual System Variants (VS and VVS). The difference between VS and VVS grades is based on the quantity and size of inclusions. Both stones, however, have noticeable defects that are placed closer to the stone's edge. When looking at these diamonds from above, you will not be able to see any noticeable faults in the middle. This is good news.
Where does VS clarity offer an advantage if VVS clarity is superior? We know the answer right away: cost. The price difference between a VS-clarity diamond and a comparable VVS-clarity diamond can be as much as a few thousand dollars.
Of fact, a better cut or color might raise the price of a VS diamond above that of a VVS diamond, so it is important to consider all of the diamond's quality attributes. VS clarity, on the other hand, is the clear winner in terms of cost.
VS clarity is the better value if money is an issue. Keep in mind that only a microscope or a 10x loupe can reveal the differences between VS and VVS. You cannot tell them apart with the naked eye.
Investing on a diamond's cut, which has a significant impact on its sparkle, is more important than investing in a diamond's clarity. Buying a more expensive diamond engagement ring just to have a better clarity grade is not a good use of your money.
Due of the small difference in appearance, we advise purchasing a VS or lower diamond over a VVS diamond. No matter what the clarity grade, finding an eye-clean diamond is always the best option. Then, you will be able to spend more money on things like cutting quality.
Clearness is an important consideration for each diamond, and it should be given careful consideration for each one.
The difference between a VVS (or even a VS) diamond and one of the "best" will not be noticeable to the untrained eye, despite the fact that it may appear that way. With 10x magnification or higher, it is best to look for an eye-clean diamond rather than a diamond with visible inclusions at this level.
We recommend inspecting diamonds for clarity with the aid of high-quality photography. When in doubt, call the experts at Supreme Jewelers and we will do our best to help you identify an eye-clean diamond for you.